Sunday, May 6, 2012

Going away party.

I find myself realizing just how blessed I really am... Tonight I saw what the community of God looks like on a very personal level, and I am so proud to know so many wonderful people. That was a status my husband wrote on Facebook this evening describing our time with great people from Skyline and Youth for Christ. Tonight was our going away party. Even though, we are leaving in a month, it was the last time ALL of us could be together. I have learned so much over the past year in OKC. I have been blessed to have been mentored by some of the greatest people I know. To serve along side of amazing interns and to invest in students who have changed my life. With everyone I have come in contact with over that past few years, I am forever blessed by you and your love and support not just in ministry, but in life. I am blessed to have been mentored by my bosses who have challenged me, who have loved me, and who have encouraged me along this journey. I want nothing more than to impact someone's lives like they have mine!
One of my greatest memories has been getting to know and work alongside great interns! I will NEVER forget the intern retreat and all the fun times on the lake and how God has made a difference in our lives. I have been encouraged weekly by how God is showing up in each of your lives. Thank you for being such great friends!
Our students have been such fun! I am lucky to say that I have had complete JOY watching you grow. So proud of the journey God is taking each of you one. You will forever be a part of my life.
To everyone else who has been a part of this great journey, THANK YOU!! I appreciate each of you and love you all!! My life is forever changed by each of you. Thanks for the great night of fun and community. We are loved by so many, and I can not be more thankful. CB.